All You Need To Know About Testing Food – Catering Supplies

Have you ever thought about eating chocolate for a living or enjoying curly fries on a daily basis?  As a professional food taster, you would be able to eat as much delicious food as you want and be paid for it – or so you think.  Contrary to popular belief, this is not the role of a professional taster nor is it how the tasting procedure is done.  While the taster will evaluate how ‘yummy’ a product is, their duty is to scrutinise it looking at its consistency, its odour, and many other aspects.

Unlike the dreamy idea that you would make a meal of the chocolate, food tasters are allowed only small bites of particular items.  Moreover, they are not allowed to swallow the product by spitting it out and drinking water to cleanse their palate for the next item of food.  Not quite so enticing now, or perhaps it still is.  This article will provide more information on all you need to know about testing – catering supplies.

What Are The Different Types Of Food Tasters?

Currently, there are two types of food tasting professionals.  The first type is a professionally trained and educated taster typically employed as a technician or product developer.  The second type is a consumer working part-time or on an as-needs contract to taste products for different businesses.  The first group samples as one aspect of their occupation; however, the second group are involved in testing food only.

How Do I Become A Food Taster?

If you are interested in entering the world of food testing, it is highly recommended that you acquire a degree in culinary arts or food science.  Furthermore, a nutrition degree can help with experience in product development at a beverage or food company.  Working with it is one of the best methods to enter the tasting industry.  For example, a professional taster for Godiva who had a psychology degree was sent to ‘chocolate school’ to learn about the complexities of the product alongside her practical training.

Reports from professional tasters state that both body and mind need to be prepared for the job to be completed successfully.  This means that you need to protect your taste buds and avoid any alcohol, cigarettes and salty or spicy foods.  Moreover, you should avoid wearing any heavily scented fragrances, such as cologne or aftershave, as these can influence a person’s sense of smell.  According to Ben & Jerry’s Peter Lind, a person cannot evaluable new foods unless they are eating a healthy diet; therefore, it is important that you eat a good diet and exercise regularly.

Regardless of whether you are choosing to be a professional testing – catering supplies taster or an ‘as needed’ novice, it is important that you possess sensory acuity.  This means that you are able to identify salt, sugar and acidic levels in different items, and are able to articulate the information to others.  When applying for a food taster position, the individual will need to undergo a taste and odour recognition test then asked to describe the item.  The ability to describe these items will determine their level of sensory acuity.

What Are The Different Pros And Cons Of Being A Food Taster?

Many people will agree that there are several benefits to testing food – catering supplies.  Firstly, the salary for this profession is not bad and while there is no category for ‘food taster’ as an occupational position, the Bureau of Labour Statistics indicate that the mean annual wage is equivalent to food scientists.  The average wage for this profession according to the 2015 statistics was between $60,000 and $70,000 per year, and as a taster, you could earn the same amount.

Unfortunately, all jobs present with disadvantages and it is the same for food technicians.  While you may be tasting some delicious items, professional tasters will often face monotony regarding the products.  For example, you may need to taste one item, such as coffee, for several weeks without any deviation from the single product.  Not only this, the tasting requires a great deal of concentration so you will need to pay a lot of attention to the small bites taken.  You will also need to answer several questions on the item, not only saying ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ regarding taste.

In some cases, a person can experience side effects from testing – catering supplies, particularly if they are tasting similar foods continuously.  For example, one case showed a novice taster presenting with large blisters in his mouth after spending eight months taste-testing frozen fried foods.  It was also found that many of the other testers in this review began having oral health problems.

Finally, tasting can be a highly stressful and tiring job because it takes a lot of work to provide an accurate product evaluation.  Taste buds can be easily fatigued and tasters will often work only a few hours at a time; however, this schedule can be beneficial because an amateur can earn approximately $15 or $20 per hour.

Final Words On The Matter

As can be seen, there are various issues involved when it comes to the professional food taste-testing arena.  Using the information above, you can identify how to become a tester, what the job involves, and the different pros and cons included.  The information can help you make a decision as to whether this occupation is the best option for you.

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